The Francesians is the sequel to Green Comet and Parasite Puppeteers, also available at
Internet Archive. All three novels have a Creative Commons Attribution and
Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) license.
After their conflict with the deadly Visitor, and their expedition to the moon of the ones who sent it, Elgin and Frances leave the Makers -- the violently primitive species that created the apocalyptic Visitor -- and head back to Green Comet, only to discover that dark forces have been active in their absence. They can turn away and avoid a confrontation with the Francesians, if they want. There are plenty of things they could do, and plenty of places they could go. They don't have to take on the responsibility of freeing Green Comet from the Francesians' reign of repression. The people let it happen and maybe they should be allowed to get themselves out of it. They don't have to take on the responsibility, but they will, because they didn't save their people from annihilation only to let them live in darkness.
The torrent includes ePub, PDF and ODT versions, and all 41 chapters recorded in OGG Vorbis format.
These are the ISBNs for the novel.
ePub format - 978-0-9919532-7-1
PDF format - 978-0-9919532-8-8
Audio format (OGG Vorbis) - 978-0-9919532-9-5
The Francesians is book three in the Green Comet trilogy. Book one - Green Comet and
book two - Parasite Puppeteers are also available on Internet Archive.